Statewide Mutual & Local Auto-Aid

Through the California Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid System, Cal OES provides North Central Fire Protection District with a Type VI fire apparatus to support the District’s surge capacity during day-to-day duties and major events/emergencies. To date, the Cal OES Fire and Rescue Division currently manages 114 Type I, 67 Type III, and 79 Type VI fire engines, 12 Hazardous Material Response Units, 12 Water Tenders, 6 Support Units, 13 Swift Water Boat Units, and 19 rescue system trailers for 322 apparatus in total. Cal OES apparatuses are strategically stationed across California, ready to be staffed with local government firefighters to respond to immediate requests for assistance.

Through a contractual agreement between Cal OES and the North Central Fire Protection District, the state permits the use of the fire engines for mutual aid responses, local multiple alarm fires, temporary replacement for out of service engines, training, and other local, state, and federal needs. In return, the District is required to dispatch the engine with the required personnel to any emergency.

The District provides assistance statewide through CalOES and the Agreement for Local Government Fire and Emergency Assistance to the State of California and Federal Fire Agencies (California Fire Assistance Agreement (CFAA)). In 2020 the District provided fire resources to 7 major wild land fires and 8 major fires in 2021.